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Gonorrhoea – A Sexually Transmitted Infection

Gonorrhoea is an infection which is transmitted sexually. The causative bacteria are found mainly in the semen of infected men and vaginal fluids of infected women, so it is easily passed between people through sexual contact. It is mainly spread through unprotected sex – vaginal, oral or anal route. If you are pregnant, gonorrhoea can be passed from you to your baby during birth. This can cause eye infection of the baby (conjunctivitis), which can lead to blindness if not treated.

Causative Agents
Gonococcus bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhoea)

Pathogenesis / Action in the Body
The bacteria that causes Gonorrhoea is spread through infected semen or vaginal fluids during unprotected sex – including anal and oral sex.
Any sexually active person can contract gonorrhoea, especially if they change sexual partners frequently or those who do not use a barrier method of contraception, such as a condom, when having sexual intercourse.
You cannot get Gonorrhoea from kissing, hugging or sharing cups, plates or by using swimming pools or public toilets.

Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms usually show up within 2 weeks after you are infected. Sometimes symptoms can occur even many months later.
Symptoms in Women
·         Anunpleasant strong odour and a thick yellowish discharge from the vagina
·         Pain in lower abdomen
·         Burning sensation when urinating and frequent need to urinate
·         Anal discharge or irritation
·         Irregular bleeding between periods
Symptoms in Men
·         Thick yellowish discharge from the penis
·         Burning sensation when urinating and increased frequency
·         Pain in testicles
·         Anal discharge or irritation
About 50% of women and 10% of men who have contracted Gonorrhoea do not show any symptoms.
Newborn babies infected with Gonorrhoea during birth, can get swollen red eyes with thick pus like discharge.

Gonorrhoea if not treated can cause serious health problems later. Women can develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Patient may get lower abdominal pain, fever and pelvic pain even lifelong. This can lead to infertility (difficulty in conceiving) and ectopic pregnancy ( a pregnancy which occurs outside the womb).
Men can develop a painful infection in theirtesticles and prostate gland and their fertility may be reduced.
If the baby develops infection in the eyes from an infected mother during delivery it may even lead to blindness if not treated.

Diagnosis is made by taking samples from the discharge. If you suspect such illness you should seek advice from a qualified medical practitioner or a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment is done with suitable antibiotic course. Partner should be referred for treatment if necessary.

Prevention and Promotion
Limit your sexual relationship to one faithful partner. Using a barrier method like condom can prevent you getting infected.

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